Board Involvement

If you are interested in getting involved with the Family Enrichment Network, we have numerous opportunities depending on your time and flexbiility.

Governing Board Membership

The Governing Board assumes general responsibility for sponsored programs and is composed of parents, community representatives, and interested persons at large. The group sets Agency policies and monitors fiscal activities for each of the contracts for which they are responsible.

Resource Development Committee Membership

The R.D. Committee was developed to assist us in identifying funding opportunities and diversifying funding strategies to support the quality programs we provide to the community. This committee  plan is responsible for both short term and long-range goals for the agency and guides fund development activities including fund raising, grant writing, direct mailings, and annual appeals.

For more information on joining the Board of Directors at Family Enrichment Network, please contact Administrative Assistant, Dasha Ross, at or (607) 723-8313 ext. 891.