Business & Community Services

Helping businesses and communities get connected with quality child care providers

Across the country, there is increasing recognition of the economic importance of child care.  Early care and education is being recognized as an important economic sector in its own right, and as a critical piece of social infrastructure that supports children's development and facilitates parent's employment. 

Choosing a child care provider is one of the most important decisions a family will ever make.  A quality early learning environment is vital to a child's growth and development.  It also provides stability by encouraging parents to be productive employees and helping local economies to grow.

Program Details

Referral Services

Family Enrichment Network Child Care Resource Center is a critical link for economic growth by connecting parents to safe, affordable, quality child care providers in the community. 

We can help employees and the community become more productive by helping them find dependable, quality child care.  Parents can conduct an online search for child care here.   To request Referral Brochures, email

Enhanced Referral Services

A basic referral search for parents is free.  If you would like to offer an enhanced referral search, we can contract out for these services.  Different options could include:

  •   Confirmed provider openings
  •   2 week check-in for child care search progress
  •   Continued contact and assistance until care is found and decision is made
  •   Individualized referral materials
  •   Onsite referrals
  •   Onsite informational opportunities
  •   Resource development with recruitment of providers in areas of employees/employers

Call the CCRC Director at (607) 723-8313 ext. 872 for more information or to inquire about pricing.



Family Enrichment Network's experienced and credentialed trainers are available to come onsite to conduct workshops and seminars for employers, parents, community members, and other agencies.   We can coordinate through your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to present workshops. 

Contact your EAP today!  For questions, contact the CCRC Director at (607) 723-8313 ext. 872.

Data Reports and Information

The local numbers of the child care industry show the economic importance in our area.

Businesses need to invest in early childhood education. 

The Child Care Availability Task Force Report was released in 2021.  The report includes recommendations to ensure that working families have access to safe, quality, and affordable child care. 


Child Care Resource Development

Family Enrichment Network can conduct targeted recruitment of child care providers to better meet employer's and community member's needs for child care.  This can include designated locations, types of care, or hours/days of care. This is a great option if you have parents who need overnight or weekend care, which is hard to find. 

For more information, contact the CCRC Director at (607) 723-8313 ext. 872.